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Penger å spare!

We compete with the prices you pay to rent a room.

Example: LOSHAVN Mini-house, BRA 20 sqm excl. Plot, foundation wall, water and electric: Price from kr. 580.000, -

Purchase price NOK 580,000.
85% loan NOK 493,000 (equity NOK 87,000)

Per month:
Interest for the first month NOK 790, - (after tax deduction)
First month installments 2054, - (based on 20 years repayment)
Term charge fee bank NOK 65, -


SUM per month NOK 2,910, including interest, fee and installments

The amount includes:

Interest, installments, but excluding land, planning, water, sewerage, electricity, municipal taxes and insurance

The calculator has the following prerequisites:

85% loan, remaining purchase price + costs as equity. Interest on first home loans, currently 2.5%. 20 years of repayment period.

Interest deduction tax constitutes 23% of interest: NOK. 236, -

NB! The calculation is not a loan offer.
The buyer must apply for and be approved as a bank borrower.

The stated interest and repayments are taken from the loan calculator which assumes that the loan is a first home loan (18-34 years). Tax deductions apply to taxpayers.

Your own house thus costs from ONLY NOK 790, - (after tax deduction) + installments per month! = Kr 855, - per month

The sum per month is ONLY NOK 2,910, including interest, installments and termination fees! (Kr 790, - + Kr 2054, - + Kr 65, -)

The figure above appears as follows:

  • First month installments. kr 1027, -

  • Deduction of interest deduction tax NOK 237, -

= SUM Kr 790, - + fee is your real cost!


  • Interest Kr 790, -

  • Deductions NOK 2,054, -

  • fee kr 65, -

= SUM kr 2.910, -

Deductions, NOK 2,054, - have been deducted here as the payment to the bank goes to a reduction of the loan and thus is not a cost. The interest deduction is also deducted, as that part of the interest expense is offset by a tax reduction.

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